We have a room/area in our beautiful new library that has a name "Collaboration Launchpad", but not a niche.
I want to equip/market it strategically. It is available for teachers/classes but not heavily used in that way. I can host my classes there, but often I go to classrooms so the space often not "booked".
Can you help me REFOCUS this space? I need fresh eyes.

- chairs and tables (all on wheels) for about 30; about 80 on floor
- carpeted and separate entrance to hall
- divider wall with white boards between Innovation Studio area
- Innovation Studio is our student iStaff headquarters and maker/supply area (still growing)but quite busy.
- Interactive whiteboard/laptop
- 2 bulletin boards
- Shelving on 2 of 4 walls
- we are a 1:1 school (Chromebooks for all)
- out of sight from main area of library (blessing/curse)
- used daily after school for clubs
- for safety, needs to have adult supervision embedded
- needs to be available to multipurpose guests/use (I think?)
- What focus should this area have?
- Should I equip it as my library classroom or does that make it seem less "available" to others that way?
- Writing lab? Expanded MAKER area that includes WRITING LAB options?
- Literature/book focus (though slightly removed from main area of shelving/displays)
- STEAM/STEM resource center focusing on challenges/skills/resources?
- Leadership Center with focus on attributes of a learner and other career-college quests
- Exhibit hall of student voice? Gallery of student work?
- Different theme each month?
- One area with featured displays/resources/student work featuring STEM, MAKER, LITERACY, & LEADERSHIP?
- a LEARN, LEAD, INNOVATE headquarters?
- Media Studio for production, and digital making?
- Edcamp style set up with areas within the area?
- Leave it as is and see what gaps surface as the year moves forward?
- Taxidermy studio, nail salon, spa? (yes, this is sarcasm!)
Thanks for any ideas, suggestions, and perspectives you are willing to share!
Yours in Feng Shui with a Focus,
Sue Kowalski